The binomial series expansion expresses the power of a binomial (a two-term expression) as an infinite sum of terms involving binomial coefficients,
following the formula
Neetesh Kumar | May 08, 2024
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1. Binomial Expansion Formula :
(x+y)n=nC0xn+nC1xn−1y+nC2xn−2y2+....+nCrxn−ryr+nCnyn=r=0∑nnCrxn−ryr where n ∈ N.
2. Important Terms:
General Terms: The general term or the (r+1)th term in the expansion of (x+y)n is given by
Middle Term: The middle terms in the expansion of (x+y)n are:
If n is even, there is only one middle term which is given by
If n is odd, there are two middle terms, which are T2n+1 and T[2n+1]+1
Term Independent of x: Term independent of x contains no x;
Hence, find the value of r for which the exponent of x is zero.
3. Some results on Binomial Coefficients:
(a) nCx=nCy⇒x=y or x+y=n
(b) nCr−1+nCr=n+1Cr
(c) C0+C1+C2+....+Cn=2n, where Cr=nCr
(d) C0+C2+C4+....=C1+C3+C5+....=2n−1, where Cr=nCr
(c) C02+C12+C22+....+Cn2=2nCn=n!n!(2n)!, where Cr=nCr
4. Greatest Coefficients and Term in the expansion of (x+a)n:
(a) If n is even, greatest binomial coefficients is nC2n
If n is odd, greatest binomial coefficients is nC2n−1 or nC2n+1
(b) For Greatest Term:
Greatest term={Tp and Tp+1Tq+1if ∣ax∣+1n+1 is an integer equal to pif ∣ax∣+1n+1 is non integer and∈(q,q+1),q∈I
5. Binomial Theorem for Negative and fractional Indices:
If n ∈ R, then (1+x)n=1+nx+2!n(n−1)x2+3!n(n−1)(n−2)x3+....∞ provided | x | < 1
(i) (1−x)−1=1+x+x2+x3+....∞
(ii) (1+x)−1=1−x+x2−x3+....∞
(iii) (1−x)−2=1+2x+3x2+4x3+....∞
(iv) (1+x)−2=1−2x+3x2−4x3+....∞
6. Exponential Series:
ex=1+1!x+2!x2+3!x3+....∞; where x may be any real or complex number and e = x→∞lim(1+n1)n
ax=1+1!xlna+2!x2ln2a+3!x2ln3a+....∞, where a > 0
7. Logarithmic Series:
(a) ln(1+x)=x−2x2+3x3−4x4+....∞ where -1 < x ≤ 1
(b) ln(1−x)=−x−2x2−3x3−4x4−....∞ where -1 ≤ x < 1
(c) ln(1−x1+x)=2(x+3x3+5x5+....∞) where | x | < 1
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