Complex numbers extend the real numbers by including imaginary numbers and are expressed as a+bi, where a is the real part, b is the imaginary part, and i is the imaginary unit satisfying i2 = −1.
Complex numbers are defined as expressions of the form a + ib where a, b ∈ R & i = −1. It is denoted by z, i.e. z = a + ib where 'a' is called the Real Part of z (Re z), and 'b' is called the Imaginary Part of z (Im z).
Note: (i) The set R of real numbers is a subset of the Complex Numbers. Hence, the Complex Number system is N ⊂ W ⊂ I ⊂ Q ⊂ R ⊂ C (ii) Zero is purely real and purely imaginary but not imaginary. (iii)i=−1 is called the imaginary unit. Also i2=−1;i3=−i;i4=1 etc. (iv)ab=ab only if at least one of a or b is non-negative.
2. Conjugate Complex:
If z = a + ib, then its conjugate complex is obtained by changing the sign of its imaginary part & is denoted by zˉ, i.e., zˉ = a - ib. (i)z + zˉ = 2Re(z) (ii)z - zˉ = 2iIm(z) (iii)zzˉ = a2+b2 (iv) If z is purely real then z - zˉ=0 (v) If z is purely imaginary then z + zˉ=0 (vi)Inverse of a complex number can be obtained by multiplying and dividing by its complex conjugate.
3. Representation of a Complex Number:
(a)CartesianForm: (Geometric Representation)
Every complex number z = x + iy can be represented by a point on the cartesian plane known as a complex plane (Argand diagram) by the ordered pair (x, y).
Length OA is called the modulus of the complex number denoted by |z| & θ is called the principal argument or amplitude where θ∈(−π,π]
We can also write |z| = x2+y2 & θ=tan−1(xy) (angle made by OA with positive x -axis, x > 0
Geometrically, |z| represents the distance of point A from the origin. (|z| ≥ 1)
(b)Polar Form: (Trignometric Representation)
z = r(cosθ + isinθ) where |z| = r; arg(z) = θ;zˉ= r(cosθ - isinθ)
we can also write cos θ + isin θ as CIS θ Euler′sFormula:
The formula eiθ=cosθ+isinθ is called Euler's Formula.
We can also write Cosθ=2eiθ+e−iθ & Sinθ=2ieiθ−e−iθ are known as Euler's Identities.
Let z be a complex number such that |z| = r and arg z = θ, then z = r.eiθ
4. Important Properties of Complex Conjugate:
(a)zˉ=z (b)z1+z2=z1+z2 (c)z1−z2=z1−z2 (d)z1z2=z1.z2 (e)(z2z1)=z2z1; where z2=0 (f) If f is a polynomial with a real coefficient such that f(α+iβ) = x + iy, then f(α−iβ) = x - iy
5. Properties of Modulus:
(a) |z| ≥ 0 (b) |z| ≥ Re (z) (c) |z| ≥ Im (z) (d) |z| = | z | = | -z | = | −z | (e)zz = ∣z∣2 (f) |z1z2| = ∣z1∣.∣z2∣ (g) |z2z1| = ∣z2∣∣z1∣,z2=0 (h) |zn| = ∣z∣n (i)∣z1+z2∣2=∣z1∣2+∣z2∣2+2Re(z1z2)or∣z1+z2∣2=∣z1∣2+∣z2∣2+2∣z1∣∣z2∣cos(θ1−θ2) (j)∣z1+z2∣2+∣z1−z2∣2=2[∣z1∣2+∣z2∣2] (k)∣∣z1∣−∣z2∣∣≤∣z1+z2∣≤∣z1∣+∣z2∣[Triangular Inequality] (l)∣∣z1∣−∣z2∣∣≤∣z1−z2∣≤∣z1∣+∣z2∣[Triangular Inequality] (m) If |z + z1| = a (a>0), then max |z| = 2a+a2+4 & min |z| = 2−a+a2+4
6. Properties of Amplitude:
amp(z1.z2) = amp z1+ amp z2+2kπ;k∈I
amp(z2z1) = amp z1− amp z2+2kπ;k∈I
amp(zn) = n amp(z) + 2kπ where value of k is such that RHS lies in (−π,π]
The value of (cosθ+isinθ)n is (cosnθ+isinnθ) where n is an integer and it is one of the values of (cosθ+isinθ)n if n is a rational number of the form qp, where p and q are Co-Prime numbers.
8. Cube Root of Unity:
(a) The cube roots of unity are 1, ω=2−1+i3=ei32π and ω2=2−1−i3=ei34π (b) 1 + ω+ω2=0,ω3=1 (in general)
1 + ωr+ω2r={03if risnotintegralmultipleof3if rismultipleof3 (c)
a+ib=⎩⎨⎧±(2∣z∣+a+i2∣z∣−a)±(2∣z∣+a−i2∣z∣−a)if b>0if b<0 where |z| = a2+b2
10. Rotation of a Complex number:
Take θ in anticlockwise direction.
11. Geometrical formulas in complex numbers:
(a)DistanceFormula:∣z1−z2∣ is represented as distance between the points z1 and z2 on the argand plane. (b)SectionFormula: If z1 and z2 are two complex numbers then the complex number z = m+nnz1+mz2 divides the join of z1 and z2 in the ratio of m:n (c) If the vertices A, B, and C of a triangle represent the complex numbers z1,z2 and z3 respectively, then :
Centroid of the ΔABC = 3z1+z2+z3
Orthocenter of the ΔABC = asecA+bsecB+csecC(asecA)z1+(bsecB)z2+(csecC)z3 or tanA+tanB+tanCz1tanA+z2tanB+z3tanC
Circumcenter of the ΔABC = sin2A+sin2B+sin2Cz1sin2A+z2sin2B+z3sin2C
lz1−z2=lz3−z2e3iπ..... (i)
lz2−z3=lz1−z3e3iπ..... (ii)
from (i) and (ii)
⇒z12+z22+z32=z!z2+z2z3+z3z1 or z1−z21+z2−z31+z3−z11=0
then 4cos2α(z1−z2)(z3−z1)=(z3−z2)2
(f) Area of ΔABC = 41z1z2z3z1z2z3111
Let (z2−z1)i = a, then equation of line is: az+az+b=0 where a ∈ C and b ∈ R.
Complex Slope of the line joining points z1 and z2 is (z2−z1)(z2−z1), and slope of a line in the cartesian plane is different from the argand plane.
Complex slope of a line az+az+b=0 is aa,b∈R
Two lines with complex slope μ1 & μ2 are parallel if μ1 = μ2 and perpendicular if μ1 + μ2 = 0
Length of perpendicular from point A(α) to line az+az+b=0 is 2∣a∣aα+aα+b
13. Equation of Circle in the argand plane:
(a) Circle whose centre is z0 radius = r = |z−z0| (b) General equation of circle is zz+az+b=0 where center is -a and radius = ∣a∣2−b (c) Diameter form (z−z1)(z−z2)+(z−z2)(z−z1)=0 or arg(z−z2z−z1)=±2π (d) Equation ∣z−z2z−z1∣=k represent a circle if k = 1 and a straight line
if k = 1. (e) Equation ∣z−z1∣2+∣z−z2∣2=k represent circle if k ≥21∣z1−z2∣2 (f) arg(z−z2z−z1)=α where 0<α<π,α=2π represent a segment of circle passing through A(z1) and B(z2)