Continuity of a function at a point means that the function's value approaches the same number from both directions as the input approaches that point, ensuring no abrupt changes or gaps in the graph.
Neetesh Kumar | June 02, 2024
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1. Continuous Functions:
A function f(x) is said to be continuous at x=a, if
x→alimf(x) exists and is equal to f(a). Symbolically, f(x) is continuous at x=a if
h→0limf(a+h)=h→0limf(a+h)=f(a) (finite and fixed quantity) where h > 0
i.e. LHL|x=a= RHL|x=a= Value of f(x)x=a= finite and fixed
At isolated points, functions are considered to be continuous.
2. Continuity of the Function in an Interval:
(a) A function is said to be continuous in (a,b) if f is continuous at each & every point belonging to (a,b).
(b) A function is said to be continuous in a closed interval [a,b] if:
- f is continuous in the open interval (a,b)
- f is right continuous at a, i.e. x→a+limf(x)=f(a) (finite quantity)
- f is left continuous at b, i.e. x→b−limf(x)=f(b) (finite quantity)
- All polynomials, trigonometrical functions, exponential & logarithmic functions are continuous in their domains.
- If f & g are two functions that are continuous at x=c then the function defined by:
- F(x)=f(x)±g(x)
- F(x)=kf(x), k any real number
- F(x)=f(x)⋅g(x)
are also continuous at x=c. Further, if g(c) is not zero, then F(x)=g(x)f(x) is also continuous at x=c.
- If f and g are continuous, then f∘g and g∘f are also continuous.
- If f and g are discontinuous at x = c, then f + g, f – g, f.g may still be continuous.
- The sum or difference of a continuous and a discontinuous function
is always discontinuous.
3. Reasons for Discontinuity:
(a) Limit does not exist: i.e. x→a−limf(x)=x→a+limf(x)
(b) x→alimf(x)=f(a)
Geometrically, the function's graph will exhibit a break at x=a if the function is discontinuous at x=a. The graph, as shown, is discontinuous at x=1,2, and 3.
4. Intermediate Value Theorem:
Suppose f(x) is continuous on an interval I and a and b are any two points of I. Then if y0 is a number between f(a) and f(b), there exists a number c between a and b such that f(c)=y0.
The function f being continuous on [a, b] takes on every value between f(a) and f(b).
Note that a function f, which is continuous in [a,b], possesses the following
property :
If f(a) is positive and f(b) is negative, then there exists at least one solution of the equation f(x)=0 in the open interval (a,b).
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