A limit describes the value that a function approaches as the input approaches a specified point, and it is fundamental in defining both derivatives and integrals.
Neetesh Kumar | May 31, 2024
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1. Definition:
Let f(x) be defined on an open interval about ‘a’ except possibly at ‘a’ itself. If f(x) gets arbitrarily close to L (a finite number) for all x sufficiently close to ‘a’, we say that f(x) approaches the limit L as x approaches ‘a’ and we write
and say “the limit of f(x), as x approaches a, equals L”.
2. Left & Right Hand Limit of a Function:
Left hand limit (LHL) = x→a−limf(x)=h→0+limf(a−h),h>0
Right hand limit (RHL) = x→a+limf(x)=h→0+limf(a+h),h>0
Limit of a function f(x) is said to exist as x→a when
x→a−limf(x)=x→a+limf(x)=L (finite and fixed quantity).
Important note:
In x→alimf(x), x→a necessarily implies x=a.
That is, while evaluating the limit at x=a, we are not concerned with the value of the function at x=a. In fact, the function may or may not be defined at x=a.
Also, it is necessary to note that if f(x) is defined only on one side of
‘x = a’, one-sided limits are good enough to establish the existence
of limits, & if f(x) is defined on either side of ‘a’ both sided limits are
to be considered.
3. Fundamental Theorems on Limits:
Let x→alimf(x)=l and x→alimg(x)=m. If l and m exist finitely, then:
- Sum rule: x→alim[f(x)+g(x)]=l+m
- Difference rule: x→alim[f(x)−g(x)]=l−m
- Product rule: x→alim[f(x)g(x)]=lm
- Quotient rule: x→alimg(x)f(x)=ml, provided m=0
- Constant multiple rule: x→alim[kf(x)]=k⋅x→alimf(x)=kl
- Power rule: x→alim[f(x)]g(x)=lm, provided l>0
- x→alimf(g(x))=f(x→alimg(x))=f(m), provided f(x) is continuous at x=m.
- For Example: x→alimlnf(x)=ln[x→alimf(x)]; provided lnx is defined at x = t→alimf(t)
4. Indeterminate Forms:
Note: Infinity (∞) is a symbol, not a number, and does not obey the laws of elementary algebra.
5. General Methods to be Used to Evaluate Limits:
(a) Factorization:
Important factors:
- xn−an=(x−a)(xn−1+axn−2+…+an−1), n∈N
- xn+an=(x+a)(xn−1−axn−2+…+an−1), n is an odd natural number.
- x→alimx−axn−an=nan−1
(b) Rationalization or double rationalization: Rationalize the factor containing the square root and simplify.
(c) Limit when x→∞:
- Divide by the greatest power of x in the numerator and denominator.
- Put x=y1 and apply y→0
(d) Squeeze play theorem (Sandwich theorem):
If f(x)≤g(x)≤h(x);∀ x and x→alimf(x)=x→alimh(x)=L, then x→alimg(x)=L.
(e) Using substitution x→alimf(x)=h→alimf(a−h) i.e. by substituting x by a - h or a + h.
6. Limit of Trigonometric Functions:
x→0limxsinx=1, x→0limxtanx=1, x→0limtanxsinx=1, x→0limsinxtanx=1.
If x→alimf(x)=0, then x→alimf(x)sinf(x)=1.
7. Limit of Exponential Functions:
(a) x→0lim(1+x)x1=e=x→∞lim(1+x1)x
In general, if x→alimf(x)=0, then x→alim(1+f(x))f(x)1=e
(b) If x→alimf(x)=A>0 and x→alimϕ(x)=B (finite quantity), then x→alim[f(x)]ϕ(x)=eBlnA=AB
(c) x→0limxax−1=lna (a > 0) In particular x→0limxex−1=1
In general If x→0limf(x)=0, then x→alimf(x)af(x)−1=lna, a > 0
(d) x→0limxln(1+x)=1
(e) x→alimf(x)=1 and x→alimϕ(x)=∞ then x→alim[f(x)]ϕ(x)=ek where k = x→alimϕ(x)[f(x)−1]
8. Limit Using Series Expansion:
Remember these series expansions:
(a) ex=1+x+2!x2+3!x3+…,x∈R
(b) ax=1+1!xlna+2!x2ln2a+3!x3ln3a+...,a>0
(c) sinx=x−3!x3+5!x5−…
(d) cosx=1−2!x2+4!x4−…
(e) tanx=x+3x3+152x5+…,∣x∣<2π
(f) tan−1x=x−3x3+5x5−7x7…,x∈R
(g) sin−1x=x+3!12x3+5!12.32x5+7!12.32.52x7…,∣x∣≤1
(h) ln(1+x)=x−2x2+3x3−… for −1<x≤ 1
(i) (1+x)n=1+nx+2!n(n−1)x2+…,n∈R,∣x∣<1
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