Maxima and minima of a function represent the highest and lowest points, respectively, on its graph, indicating where the function reaches its peak or bottommost value within a given interval.
Neetesh Kumar | June 02, 2024
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1. Introduction:
Maxima & Minima:
(a) Local Maxima or Relative Maxima:
A function f(x) is said to have a local maxima at x=a if f(a)>f(x)∀x∈(a−h,a+h)∩Df
Where h is some positive real number.
(b) Local Minima or Relative Minima:
A function f(x) is said to have a local minima at x=a if f(a)<f(x)∀x∈(a−h,a+h)∩Df
Where h is some positive real number.
(c) Absolute Maxima (Global Maxima):
A function f has absolute maxima (or global maxima) at c if f(c)≥f(x) for all x in D, where D is the domain of f. The number f(c) is the maximum value of f on D.
(d) Absolute Minima (Global Minima):
A function f has an absolute minimum at c if f(c)≤f(x) for all x in D and the number f(c) is called the minimum value of f on D.
- The term 'extrema' is used for both maxima and minima.
- A function's local maximum (minimum) value may not be the greatest (least) value in a finite interval.
- A function can have several extreme values such that a local minimum value may be greater than a local maximum value.
- It is unnecessary that f(x) always has local maxima/minima at the endpoints of the given interval when they are included.
2. Derivative test for ascertaining maxima/minima:
(a) First Derivative Test:
If f′(x)=0 at a point (say x=a) and:
- If f′(x) changes sign from positive to negative in the neighbourhood of x=a then x=a is said to be a point of local maxima.
- If f′(x) changes sign from negative to positive in the neighbourhood of x=a then x=a is said to be a point of local minima.
Note: If f′(x) does not change sign, i.e., has the same sign in a certain complete neighborhood of a, then f(x) is either increasing or decreasing throughout this neighborhood, implying that x=a is not a point of extremum of f.
(b) Second Derivative Test:
If f(x) is continuous and differentiable at x=a where f′(a)=0 (stationary points) and f′′(a) also exists, then for ascertaining maxima/minima at x=a, the second derivative test can be used:
- If f′′(a)>0 then x=a is a point of local minima.
- If f′′(a)<0 then x=a is a point of local maxima.
(c) nth Derivative Test:
Let f(x) be a function such that f′(a)=f′′(a)=f′′′(a)=…=f(n−1)(a)=0 & f(n)(a)=0, then:
- If n is even:
- f(n)(a)>0⟹ Minima
- f(n)(a)<0⟹ Maxima
- If n is odd then neither maxima nor minima at x=a.
3. Useful formulae of mensuration to remember:
- Volume of a cuboid = lbh.
- Surface area of a cuboid = 2(lb+bh+hl).
- Volume of a prism = area of the base × height.
- Lateral surface area of a prism = perimeter of the base × height.
- Total surface area of a prism = lateral surface area + 2 × area of the base.
- Volume of a pyramid = 31 area of the base × height.
- Curved surface area of a pyramid = 21 (perimeter of the base) × slant height.
- Volume of a cone = 31πr2h.
- Curved surface area of a cylinder = 2πrh.
- Total surface area of a cylinder = 2πrh+2πr2.
- Volume of a sphere = 34πr3.
- Surface area of a sphere = 4πr2.
- Area of a circular sector = 21r2θ, when θ is in radians.
- Perimeter of a circular sector = 2r+rθ.
4. Significance of the sign of 2nd order derivative:
The sign of the 2nd order derivative determines the concavity of the curve.
If f′′(x)>0∀x∈(a,b) then the graph of f(x) is concave upward in (a,b).
Similarly, if f′′(x)<0∀x∈(a,b) then the graph of f(x) is concave downward in (a,b).
5. Some special points on a curve:
Stationary Points:
The stationary points are the domain points where f′(x)=0.
Critical Points:
There are three kinds of critical points:
- The point at which f′(x)=0
- The point at which f′(x) does not exist
- The endpoints of the interval (if included)
These points belong to the domain of the function.
Note: Local maxima and local minima occur at critical points only, but not all critical points will correspond to local maxima/local minima.
Point of Inflection:
A point of inflection is a point where the graph of a function has a tangent line and where the strict concavity changes.
For finding the point of inflection of any function, compute the points (x-coordinate) where dx2d2y=0 or dx2d2y does not exist.
Let the solution be x=a, if dx2d2y=0 at x=a and the sign of dx2d2y changes about this point, then it is called a point of inflection.
6. Some standard results:
The rectangle of the largest area inscribed in a circle is a square.
The function y=sin(mx)cos(nx) attains the maximum value at x=−m1tan−1(mn)
If 0<a<b then ∣x−a∣+∣x−b∣≥b−a and equality holds when x∈[a,b].
If 0<a<b<c then ∣x−a∣+∣x−b∣+∣x−c∣≥c−a and equality holds when x=b.
If 0<a<b<c<d then ∣x−a∣+∣x−b∣+∣x−c∣+∣x−d∣≥d−a and equality holds when x∈[b,c].
7. Minimum and Maximum distance between two Curves:
The least/greatest distance between two non-intersecting curves usually lies along the common normal (wherever defined).
Given a fixed point A(a,b) and a moving point P(x,f(x)) on the curve y=f(x). Then AP will be the maximum or minimum if it is normal to the curve at P.
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