
Relation Formula Sheet

This page will help you to revise formulas and concepts of Relation instantly for various exams.

A relation describes the connection between elements of two sets. In functions, each element of one set is associated with exactly one element of another set.

Neetesh Kumar | May 29, 2024                                       \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space Share this Page on: Reddit icon Discord icon Email icon WhatsApp icon Telegram icon

1. Definition:

Let AA and BB be two sets. Then, a relation RR from AA to BB is a subset of A×BA \times B.
Thus, RR is a relation from AA to B    RA×BB \iff R \subseteq A \times B.

Total Number of Relations: Let AA and BB be two non-empty finite sets consisting of mm and nn elements respectively. Then, A×BA \times B consists of mnmn ordered pairs. So the total number of subsets of A×BA \times B is 2mn2^{mn}.

Domain and Range of a Relation: Let RR be a relation from a set AA to a set BB. Then, the set of all first components or coordinates of the ordered pairs belonging to RR is called the domain of RR, while the set of all second components or coordinates of the ordered pairs in RR is called the range of RR.

Thus, Domain(R)={a:(a,b)R}\text{Domain}(R) = \{a : (a, b) \in R\} and, Range(R)={b:(a,b)R}\text{Range}(R) = \{b : (a, b) \in R\}

It is evident from the definition that the domain of a relation from AA to BB is a subset of AA, and its range is a subset of BB.

Inverse Relation: Let AA, BB be two sets and let RR be a relation from a set AA to a set BB.
Then the inverse of RR, denoted by R1R^{-1}, is a relation from BB to AA and is defined by R1={(b,a):(a,b)R}R^{-1} = \{(b, a) : (a, b) \in R\} Clearly, (a,b)R    (b,a)R1(a, b) \in R \iff (b, a) \in R^{-1} Also,
Domain(R)=Range(R1)andRange(R)=Domain(R1)\text{Domain}(R) = \text{Range}(R^{-1}) \quad \text{and} \quad \text{Range}(R) = \text{Domain}(R^{-1})

Note: Relation on a set: If RR is a relation from set AA to AA itself then RR is called a relation on set AA.

2. Types of Relations:

In this section, we intend to define various types of relations on a given set AA.

  • Void Relation: Let AA be a set. Then A×A\emptyset \subseteq A \times A is a relation on AA. This relation is called the void or empty relation on AA.

  • Universal Relation: Let AA be a set. Then A×AA×AA \times A \subseteq A \times A is a relation on AA. This relation is called the universal relation on AA.

  • Identity Relation: Let AA be a set. Then the relation IA={(a,a):aA}I_A = \{(a, a) : a \in A\} on AA is called the identity relation on AA. In other words, a relation IAI_A on AA is called the identity relation if every element of AA is related to itself only.

  • Reflexive Relation: A relation RR on a set AA is said to be reflexive if every element of AA is related to itself. Thus, RR on a set AA is not reflexive if an element aAa \in A exists such as (a,a)R(a, a) \notin R. Every identity relation is reflexive but every reflexive relation is not identity.

  • Symmetric Relation: A relation RR on a set AA is said to be a symmetric relation iff (a,b)R    (b,a)R(a, b) \in R \iff (b, a) \in R i.e.,aRb    bRaa R b \iff b R a

  • Transitive Relation: Let AA be any set. A relation RR on AA is said to be a transitive relation iff (a,b)Rand(b,c)R    (a,c)R(a, b) \in R \quad \text{and} \quad (b, c) \in R \implies (a, c) \in R i.e., aRbandbRc    aRca R b \quad \text{and} \quad b R c \implies a R c

  • Antisymmetric Relation: Let AA be any set. A relation RR on set AA is said to be an antisymmetric relation iff (a,b)Rand(b,a)R    a=b(a, b) \in R \quad \text{and} \quad (b, a) \in R \implies a = b

  • Equivalence Relation: A relation RR on a set AA is said to be an equivalence relation on AA iff It is reflexive i.e. (a,a)R(a, a) \in R for all aAa \in A
    It is symmetric i.e. (a,b)R    (b,a)R(a, b) \in R \implies (b, a) \in R
    It is transitive i.e. (a,b)Rand(b,c)R    (a,c)R(a, b) \in R \quad \text{and} \quad (b, c) \in R \implies (a, c) \in R

Not every relation which is symmetric and transitive needs to be also reflexive.

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