
Sets Formula Sheet

This page will help you to revise formulas and concepts of Sets instantly for various exams.
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Sets are collections of distinct objects, called elements, grouped together based on common characteristics or properties.
They are fundamental mathematical objects used to organize and manipulate data, representing well-defined collections of objects where the order of elements does not matter, and each element appears only once within the set.

Neetesh Kumar | May 29, 2024                                       \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space \space Share this Page on: Reddit icon Discord icon Email icon WhatsApp icon Telegram icon

1. Introduction to Sets:

A set is a collection of well-defined and distinct objects. Sets are generally denoted by uppercase letters such as AA, BB, CC, etc., and their elements by lowercase letters like aa, bb, cc, etc.
If an element aa belongs to set AA, we write aAa \in A and say "aa is an element of AA". If aa is not an element of AA, we write aAa \notin A.

2. Some Important Number Sets:

  • N\mathbb{N}: The set of all natural numbers, {1,2,3,4,}\{1, 2, 3, 4, \ldots\}
  • W\mathbb{W}: The set of all whole numbers, {0,1,2,3,}\{0, 1, 2, 3, \ldots\}
  • Z\mathbb{Z} or I\mathbb{I}: The set of all integers, {,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,}\{\ldots, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, \ldots\}
  • Z+\mathbb{Z}^+: The set of all positive integers, {1,2,3,}\{1, 2, 3, \ldots\} (same as N\mathbb{N})
  • Z\mathbb{Z}^-: The set of all negative integers, {1,2,3,}\{-1, -2, -3, \ldots\}
  • Z0\mathbb{Z}_0: The set of all non-zero integers, {±1,±2,±3,}\{\pm 1, \pm 2, \pm 3, \ldots\}
  • Q\mathbb{Q}: The set of all rational numbers, {pqp,qZ,q0}\left\{\frac{p}{q} \mid p, q \in \mathbb{Z}, q \neq 0\right\}
  • R\mathbb{R}: The set of all real numbers
  • RQ\mathbb{R} \setminus \mathbb{Q}: The set of all irrational numbers

3. Representation of Sets:

Sets can be represented in two common ways:

  • Roster Form: This method lists all elements of the set, separated by commas, within curly brackets. For example, A={1,2,3,4}A = \{1, 2, 3, 4\}.
  • Set-Builder Form: This method defines a set by a property that its members must satisfy. For example, A={xx is a positive even number}A = \{x \mid x \text{ is a positive even number}\}.

4. Types of Sets:

  • Empty Set (Null Set): A set with no elements, denoted by \emptyset or {}\{\}.
  • Non-Empty Set: A set that has at least one element.
  • Singleton Set: A set with exactly one element.
  • Finite Set: A set with limited elements.
  • Infinite Set: A set with unlimited elements.
  • Equal Sets: Two sets AA and BB are equal if they contain exactly the same elements, denoted A=BA = B. If not, we write ABA \neq B.
  • Equivalent Sets: Two sets AA and BB are equivalent if they have the same number of elements, i.e., A=B|A| = |B|.

Note: Equal sets are always equivalent, but equivalent sets may not be equal.

5. Subsets:

  • Subset: Set AA is a subset of set BB if every element of AA is also an element of BB, denoted ABA \subseteq B.
  • Proper Subset: Set AA is a proper subset of set BB if ABA \subseteq B and ABA \neq B, denoted ABA \subset B.


  1. Every set is a subset of itself, AAA \subseteq A.
  2. The empty set is a subset of every set.
  3. Example hierarchy: NWZQRC\mathbb{N} \subseteq \mathbb{W} \subseteq \mathbb{Z} \subseteq \mathbb{Q} \subseteq \mathbb{R} \subseteq \mathbb{C}.
  4. The total number of subsets of a set with nn elements is 2n2^n.

6. Universal Set and Power Set:

  • Universal Set: A set that contains all objects under consideration, denoted by UU.
  • Power Set: The set of all subsets of a set AA, denoted by P(A)\mathcal{P}(A).

7. Operations on Sets:

  • Union: AB={xxA or xB}A \cup B = \{x \mid x \in A \text{ or } x \in B\}
  • Intersection: AB={xxA and xB}A \cap B = \{x \mid x \in A \text{ and } x \in B\}
  • Difference: AB={xxA and xB}A - B = \{x \mid x \in A \text{ and } x \notin B\}
  • Complement: A={xxA and xU}=UAA' = \{x \mid x \notin A \text{ and } x \in U\} = U - A

8. Laws in Set Theory:

  • De Morgan's Laws:
    • (AB)=AB(A \cup B)' = A' \cap B'
    • (AB)=AB(A \cap B)' = A' \cup B'
  • Distributive Laws:
    • A(BC)=(AB)(AC)A \cup (B \cap C) = (A \cup B) \cap (A \cup C)
    • A(BC)=(AB)(AC)A \cap (B \cup C) = (A \cap B) \cup (A \cap C)
  • Commutative Laws:
    • AB=BAA \cup B = B \cup A
    • AB=BAA \cap B = B \cap A
  • Associative Laws:
    • (AB)C=A(BC)(A \cup B) \cup C = A \cup (B \cup C)
    • (AB)C=A(BC)(A \cap B) \cap C = A \cap (B \cap C)
  • Identity Laws:
    • A=A \cap \emptyset = \emptyset
    • AU=AA \cap U = A
    • A=AA \cup \emptyset = A
    • AU=UA \cup U = U

9. Special Set Operations:

  • Symmetric Difference: AΔB=(AB)(BA)A \Delta B = (A - B) \cup (B - A)
  • Properties:
    • (A)=A(A')' = A
    • ABBAA \subseteq B \Leftrightarrow B' \subseteq A'
    • AB=ABA - B = A \cap B'
    • (AB)B=AB(A - B) \cup B = A \cup B
    • (AB)B=(A - B) \cap B = \emptyset
    • (AB)(BA)=(AB)(AB)(A - B) \cup (B - A) = (A \cup B) - (A \cap B)

10. Venn Diagrams:

Illustrations: (Placeholder for Venn diagrams)

11. Counting Elements in Sets:

If AA, BB, and CC are finite sets and UU is the universal set:

  • AB=A+BAB|A \cup B| = |A| + |B| - |A \cap B|
  • If AA and BB are disjoint, then AB=A+B|A \cup B| = |A| + |B|
  • AB=AAB|A - B| = |A| - |A \cap B|
  • AΔB=AB+BA=A+B2AB|A \Delta B| = |A - B| + |B - A| = |A| + |B| - 2|A \cap B|
  • ABC=A+B+CABBCAC+ABC|A \cup B \cup C| = |A| + |B| + |C| - |A \cap B| - |B \cap C| - |A \cap C| + |A \cap B \cap C|
  • The number of elements in exactly two of the sets AA, BB, CC is AB+BC+AC3ABC|A \cap B| + |B \cap C| + |A \cap C| - 3|A \cap B \cap C|
  • The number of elements in exactly one of the sets AA, BB, CC is A+B+C2AB2BC2AC+3ABC|A| + |B| + |C| - 2|A \cap B| - 2|B \cap C| - 2|A \cap C| + 3|A \cap B \cap C|
  • AB=(AB)=UAB|A' \cup B'| = |(A \cap B)'| = |U| - |A \cap B|
  • AB=(AB)=UAB|A' \cap B'| = |(A \cup B)'| = |U| - |A \cup B|

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